Universe Sandbox Wiki

This page is an overview of the user interface (UI) in Universe Sandbox. It is meant to describe the general purposes of different parts of the UI and help in finding different settings and controls.

The UI in Universe Sandbox changes often with updates, so not everything may be exactly as it appears in the latest version.

User Interface Overview



Create a new, blank simulation.

This is the first step in building a simulation from scratch. See Getting Started for more information.


Browse a list of included simulations.


Save the current simulation as a custom simulation. Saved simulations can be found in Home > Open > My Sims.


Adjust general game settings, like Graphics settings, Audio settings, and Performance Settings. These settings are global and will persist when a new simulation is loaded. For simulation-specific settings, see View Settings and Sim Settings below.

Bottom Bar

Play/Pause Button

Pause a running simulation or a play a paused simulation.

Date and Time

This displays the current date and time in the simulation. When clicked, it opens the Time Zone setting.


Allows the user to run the simulation until a certain time or date, at which point the simulation will pause or change its Time Step.


The Step menu contains additional time step settings and controls, including the Target Time Step, and the Advance One Time Step, Reload Simulation, and Pause on Collide controls.

Time Step

Here you can Play/Pause the simulation, view the simulation time elapsed, and adjust the Time Step. Drag the slider left to decrease the Time Step, and right to increase it. Or click on the input box and enter a value using your keyboard.


Adjust the position, rotation, and velocity for one or multiple objects. After clicking Edit, select an object (or ctrl-click and drag to select multiple objects) that you'd like to move.

For more precise control of position and motion, edit the values in an object's Properties panel.


Add a new object to the simulation.


  • Explode
  • Force
  • Pulse
  • Fireworks
  • Material
  • Launch
  • Show More


Rearrange the objects in the simulation to be ordered according to size or mass.


These settings affect only the currently opened simulation.

  • Show More
  • Labels
    • Toggles object labels on or off
  • Trails
  • Orbits
  • Habitable
  • Grid
  • Background
  • Light
  • Colors
    • Changes the colors of objects and their trails, labels, and icons to represent the relative strength of velocity, acceleration, or mass compared with other objects in the simulation.


These settings affect only the currently opened simulation.

  • More
  • Collide
    • Toggles whether or not objects collide. If turned off, objects will pass through each other instead of colliding.
  • Fragment
    • Toggles creation of fragments, which can be caused by collisions, Roche limit fragmentation, and friction fragmentation from explosions. Also toggles creation of volatiles from extreme heats and solar winds.
  • Gravity


Statistics about the currently opened simulation.


Display and search all objects in the currently opened simulation.


Tools and settings for capturing video. Currently, only GIFs can be recorded.


Tools and settings for taking screenshots.

Object Properties Panel

Right-clicking an object in the simulation will open the object's properties panel, which will include one or more tabs displaying properties specific to that object. These tabs can include:
